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The Village of Briercrest

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The Village of Briercrest

Box 25
Briercrest, SK

Phone: 1-306-799-2066
Fax: 1-306-799-2067



The Briercrest Library is pleased to announce that we are up and running with our new system that is a provincial database. This means several exciting things. With the new system in place we will be able to search every single public library catalogue in Saskatchewan for the materials you want. We can do this for you here in the library, or if you have internet access, you can do it yourself. All you need is your library card and your PIN.

You will now be able to request items from anywhere in Saskatchewan to come to the most convenient branch to you. You will be able to pick up and return items any where in the province. Another wonderful feature of the new system is the automated notification of holds and late charges. You can receive notifications by email, phone or snail mail if you prefer. We don't have the new library cards yet, but your old card still works and has all the features you need.

Our new website is very user friendly and you can access it from your home computer, it has been compared to amazon.com and I encourage you to try it out. You will be able to log in with your library card and pin number, search the catalogue, put holds on items and even set up your personal account with a history of the books you take out so you never have to guess if you read this book or that again.

So don't forget to come in to our local library any Tuesday from 1:00 pm - 4:15 pm, Wednedsay from 9:30 am – 2:00 pm, or Thursday from 6:00 pm -9:00 pm. And check out all the wonderful things we have to offer from DVD's , books on CD, adult and youth nonfiction and fiction, biographies, magazines, public high speed computer use, many wonderful programming such as story time for the kids , crafts and the odd cooking class. Oh ya, and the librarian is cute to! So please watch for posters and this website for upcoming events at the library.