The Briercrest 4-H Multi-Club has a long standing history in the Briercrest area. We celebrated our 50th birthday in 2009. The club had its start in 1959 and was named the Bright Buttons 4-H Club and was initiated by Elizabeth Patton, they had 20 members and it was mostly homecrafts until the mid '70's when a mechanics project was introduced for boys.
Now in 2010 Lisa Nestman is the General Leader and we have 22 members and 7 projects, many of which are homecraft projects and a woodworking project for boys. Our projects are cooking, woodworking, babysitting, jewelry making, quilting, junior leader and cake decorating. The 4-H club also provides opportunities such as curling, public speaking, district and regional events, scholarship and travel opportunities.
We are happy to continue providing a club for youth in our community where we believe that you "learn to do by doing".
The photo below shows our Provincial Championship Curling Team in 2009.